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Jazz and Perceptor carrying Cosmos

The Ultimate Caption Contest

Jazz and Perceptor carrying Cosmos
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202 captions have been posted for this image so far ...
trailbreaker writes: Strangest toilet ever ….
trailbreaker writes: Trash day !
Optimum Supreme writes: This one's pretty hard to find, we should put it up on ebay.
Heckfire writes: ...DAMN, what have they been feeding him, Energon Double Downs?
Judynator writes: Jazz: Mine!
Cosmos: Mine!
Payner™ writes: "Why did Prime order these new alloy wheels?"
Dragonoth writes: Portability: good for canoes, bad for spaceships.
Roadshadow writes: Jazz: This is the last time we carry you back to your apartment, Cosmos.
Cosmos: Mountain high...shoooo ferrrry hiiighh...
Perceptor: Yeah he's drunk.
Blaster_6267 writes: Cosmos: "twinkle twinkle little star..."
Jazz: Dear God, we are not letting you drink anymore energon if you get drunk this easily
ShYnE writes: Jazz: Where'd you find this thing?
Perceptor: A top-secret base called Area 51. Where'd you find that chick on your shoulder?
Jazz: Uhhh...That's classified.
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Predagade writes: Jazz:Man, thats the last time i'm taking cosmos to a party again. He just wont wake up
Perceptor: Use your sound emitting devices to wake him.
Jazz:If i do that, he'll have a worse hangover!
Cosmos:Can we bake some decepti-cakes now mommy?
Kal-Seth writes: Prime Needed That Smart Mouthed Little... thing taken care of and jazz and his friend perceptor owed prime a favor

( seriously what does cosmos transform into?)
DeltaOmega writes: Are you sure this is how the humans do it?
Castle74 writes: I've had enough of this Perceptor! Cosmos is going on Atkins or he's gone!
GetterDragun writes: Jazz: Perceptor...I hope your scope is getting all of this.
Magnus writes: Do you think we can get him up to his dorm room without the R.A. seeing us?
Unknown writes: Jazz: Doors locked.
Preceptor: Hey, lets use Cosmos to knock it down!
Cosmos: Don't I have a say in this?
Jazz:No, now shut up!
Scooter writes: The annual prank of hiding Trypticon's nipple still continues to this day
halljh writes: During the building of the female rival of unicron, jaz and perceptor are tasked with attaching the nipple.
Unknown writes: Jazz:" This kegger is heavy , man!"
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Shadow Fox writes: Ok, this is gonna be great, first we'll make cosmos disappear, see we even have the vegas show girl assistant already..Optimus will love our magic show, really.
JAZZ writes: Ok, maybe the practical education of sex was a little bit to hard for our poor little comsmo
Unknown writes: Perceptor: I told you not to give him any.
Jazz: Behold! the power of cheese!
X-Brawn writes: Cosmos, I told you to not drink too much, but you never listen to me!
Unknown writes: girl: wow perceptor...that`s a big shoulder cannon you got there.
perceptr: after analyzing your words i came to the conclusion that your trying to hit on me, please stop your current action. i have science magzines to read, i can`t have a girlfriend rig
Unknown writes: perceptor: pssst. jazz.. don`t look but there`s a half naked chick on your shoulder
Unknown writes: perceptor:for a small guy he ways a ton!
Jazz:no its just because your weak and expendable!
PredaKing writes: Upsa Daisy!

metalformer writes: Story: Jazz and Cosmos went to a Rock/Metal concert, where its not unusual to see people climbing to the stage and jumb back into the crowd - that's called 'stage dive'. However, COSMOS seemingly over did it.
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Unknown writes: cozmos:hey... that girl has a jazz on her arse! percepter: I told you he was drunk!
Zeedust writes: Jazz: When I think about how Cosmos charged the Decepticons, risking his own life to protect us... *Jazz and Perceptor start weeping uncontrolably.
Cosmos: I'm fine, guys...
Perceptor: We know... *Sob* Why do you think we're so sad?
Unknown writes: net fart
Unknown writes: Jazz (singing): Stick out your can, 'cause here comes the garbage man. Perceptor: Put a lid on it, would you Jazz?
Unknown writes: Jazz:Christ what has he been eating?
Unknown writes: told you about that bean burrito.

aww shut up and move me to the left!
FortMax writes: Perceptor: Cosmos tends to eat stuff when he gets drunk...but don't worry miss, we'll get your brother out. JAZZ: I see an arm!!!
Unknown writes: Jazz: Nighty night crazy Cosmos.
Perceptor: My puny arms can't bear his weight!
Arkhaon writes: drinking that bottle of high grade energon wasnt such a great idea perceptor
Unknown writes: Perceptor: Okay, Jazz, pay up that 20 bucks you owe me!!! I told you Cosmos had an off switch!!!
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Unknown writes: Jazz:"Okay, Perceptor, since you's the big ol' genius around here, how we gonna explain to Prime when he asks why we went on a vital mission and ended up carryin' Cosmos home drunk, and me with a 'ho on my shou
Unknown writes: jazz- man you just had to put on tommy lee and pamela anderson's video didn't you? i mean you know cosmos faints when he sees pamela naked.
BlItZeR writes: Dangit man!! dont drop my Bubba keg! its for the kegger tonite baby!! ooh yah!!
Minicle writes: Cosmos: I tell you guys, i keep seeing these little pixies, look theres one now.
Jazz:Sure sure pal, were just taking you someplace nice to rest.
Minicle writes: Jazz: Sorry Cosmos, but after that affair with the little boy, the producer isn't cutting you any slack.
Cosmos:No put me down its all a mistake, i have a wife and kid to feed.
Perceptor:Could someone get the door please.
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Perceptor,"Why is it we always hafta take out the garbage?" Jazz,"Because your a damn microscope."
parkwood writes: Everyone thinks its so wierd that we cary Cosmos around like this when he can fly! But what I want to know is, Whos this silly #@*&$ on my shoulder!!!! -Jazz-
Mirage writes: JAZZ: ok one the count of 3 will toss cosmos into the furnus. COSMOS: ah guys i'm not dead
JAZZ: 3...2...1...
SilverStar writes: Jazz: Bring out your dead! Bring out your dead! Perceptor: Here one Cosmos: I'm not dead. Jazz: He said he not dead. Perecptor: Oh he going to die soon. Cosmos: I think I'm getting better! Perceptor: Can you take him? Cosmos: I feel happ
Unknown writes: C'mon, Perceptor! We have to get Cosmos to safety, or we're all dead!
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Unknown writes: Warrior Sheeba: hurry up u guys, i wanna install my new breast inhancements ASAP !
Zu Darkness writes: Jazz: Man this is the last time we let Cosmos on a drinking spurge with us

Perceptor: Yeah well you didn't listen to me eariler when I told you the effects of beer and what it does to the human brain...

Jazz: Well I didn't see you
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Perceptor,"See here Jazz if you connect his freckles it makes a picture of the liberty bell." Jazz,"Actually when he transforms he looks like the liberty bell too.Scary huh?"(The liberty bell freckle ref. is a nod to a
jubanga writes: *To woman* You do realise there is a giant metal wart on your ass?
Unknown writes: Jazz:(speaking in Satans voice from "South Park" movie)"Perceptor, I told you Cosmos couldn't handle an entire enerbong on his own.
Perceptor:(voiced in the style of Saddam from aforementioned movie)Relax guy.
Unknown writes: Jazz this mistress is to bossy I want my money back.
Unknown writes: So George says we leave this in Iraq then we get the money.
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Perceptor,"Right here is where we need to stick the enima,hold him still Jazz when it goes in he will thrash about.Hang on Cosmos we'll have you regular in no time."
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Jazz,"WOW Cosmos completes my set of 1985 Autobots."
K-nonFodder writes: "Hey man, when you said- i wanna tap that, i thought you meant the keg dude"
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SeekerInAFakeMoustache writes: "I know it sounds crazy, Perceptor, but this blue magician on my shoulder SWEARS that if we get Wheelie to drink this potion here, he'll turn into a bad@$$ who's able to talk normally and punch out Hot Shot!"
Beast Simpson writes: Jazz: See? Your face DOES stick that way.
sleddogg83 writes: Perceptor: Grimlock, are you ready for your enema?
Jazz: I knew we'd find a use for these minibots!
Unknown writes: Jazz, "How are you going to use this again Cosmos?" (wink)
Hellstar writes: Jazz: "Fat, drunk & stupid is no way to go through life Cosmos..."
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Pimp Daddy Jazz," I told you once you wanna spend the time wit my fine beeyouches you gotta make wit the green.You owe me 400 bucks. Grab this pervert P-man help me shake him down."
krukid writes: Holy cow, this is the biggest squirt bottle ever. We are going to drench those decepticoocoos real good this time.
Unknown writes: Cosmos:"Lacucaraaaacha, lacucaraaachaaaaa, I'm DA TABAAAASCO MAAAAAN!!!! HIC!!! AREEEEEEEEBAAAA!!!!!!"
Jazz:"Yes, yes, Cosmos, we know that. Just keep still for one moment." Perceptor:"Yes, Cosmos, ac
Dark writes: Jazz: I told him he'd had enought, but no... He just had to prove himself when the ladies are around.
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Perceptor,"Look Jazz there it is just like Red Alert said." Jazz,"I'll be damned they are stamping all of us with Hasbro's Bitch."
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Unknown writes: Perceptor-Yeesh, garbled animation...
Jazz-Yeah, look at my face.
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Perceptor,"Have I mentioned that not only can I see out of my microscope as well as magnify,but I can acess xray as well.Oh and my scope is pointing at the space sluts crotch."
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Jazz,"Lets turn him into a lamp for Optimus's birthday." Perceptor,"What about a footstool?" Jazz,"You think that's better?" Perceptor,"Oh without a doubt." Jazz,&am
Unknown writes: Not even a Decepticon, or a Junkion, nore a Sharkticon for that matter.
Unknown writes: Even as we speak now, till this day, no one has come forth to claim the Fatrix yet.
Unknown writes: Like Optimus, when he died, passed The Autobots' Matrix of Leadership to a new leader. Now, it seemed Cosmos'turn. Instead of that he passed on The Fatrix to a new Fatass.
Unknown writes: J: "Nooooo! Cosmos has just bought it!" P: "Never Fear, I am very confident I still can make a trashcan out of him." J:"Pheewww! I was almost affraid we had to move this heavy load all the way to the scrapyard!
Unknown writes: Jazz:"Oóóówww, man! We've poisened the wrong dude! Perc.:"Yes,indeed. According to my calculations, we should have not put ISDN (Instantenous Slowly Death Neutralizer)in the big Energon cube, but
TetraReris writes: Jazz: A little further and we can drop him in the water.
Perceptor: Excellent, I wish to practice my locomotion for the log rolling contest.
Human: I didn't know Transformer participated in the Highland Games!
Unknown writes: Jazz: Man, Cosmos has got to lay off the plutonium drinks and cyber-pretzals.
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Unknown writes: Hey Perceptor! Just because he's out doesn't mean you can check to see if He's all bot! That's why we have the human woman.
Unknown writes: Getting ready for the Transformers Con this Sat & Sun at the Hyatt O'Hare in Chicago, two fans hope that they can successfully disguise their Keg as Cosmos.
rurouni_ryu writes: Perceptor: man this guy's gotta lose some weight.
Jazz: you're lucky, you don't have any "extra" weight sitting on your shoulder.
"Extra Weight": hey I heard that, don't call me &am
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Jazz,"Why does this keep happening to Cosmos?" Perceptor,"It's a disease Jazz it's called narcalypse it causes him to fall a sleep anywhere anytime." Jazz,"Wow that sucks man." Percep
SeekerInAFakeMoustache writes: At the worst point of Cybertron's shortage, the Autobots did anything they could to save energon. For instance, instead of allowing Cosmos to just take off, they threw him as hard as they could and hoped for the best.
Unknown writes: Perceptor: Wha happened to Cosmos THIS time?!
Jazz: He fell in love with THIS chick on my shoulder and then, short circuited.
Perceptor: Well, he should learn something about love at first site.
Unknown writes: Man he should stop eating so many pork grindes.
Unknown writes: Dude, tell me you brought the pump for this thing.
Unknown writes: Girl: Hey, when this episode's over and Titan's safe, will you take me to Earth, Jazz?
Unknown writes: Rodimus(offscreen): load torpedoes!
Cosmos: arrrrrrrrgh! you a__holes!
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ionacus writes: jazz:what happened? perceptor: cosmos was watching 'while you were out' when grimlock came home.jazz:and? perceptor:grimlock kicked the crap out of him cause he wanted to watch 'american idol' jazz:damn me and my girl w
Unknown writes: Jazz: Ok, we got the girl and now the Energon keg!

Perceptor: w00t w00t!
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Jazz,"Lift higher Perceptor this pinyata has to be higher before the rest of the party guests get here."
Unknown writes: Jazz: Damn this guy is heavy for a minibot.

Perceptor: WTF is that on your shoulder?
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Jazz,"Well if he ralphs at least hes face down and won't choke."
Unknown writes: A few minutes earlier:
Jazz: The door's locked tight!
Cosmos: So what do we do?
Percepter: Use your head!
Now: Cosmos: BUT I DON"T
dq writes: jazz: there gotta be an easier way to open a door
perceptor:well if u hadnt swapped your rocket launcher for a hooker we wouldnt be in this mess
Unknown writes: one two three heeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaveeeeeeee! jazz: now where do we hide the twip
Unknown writes: Jazz: I told him not to drink the punch!!!

Perceptor:next party leave him at home
Autobot bubbs writes: Jazz: Every year..he chugs down some of Wreck-guars moonshine and he's out for 3 cycles...
Perceptor: When he comes back online, I think we should inform cosmos he has a drinking problem.
Jazz: I'll arrange another Intervention.
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Alphatron2k3 writes: Jazz: You have to be smooth and casual around this flesh creatures(no offense lady). Thats how i get em.
Perceptor: Oh thats it huh?
Jazz: No it also helps to have a cool and classy alt form like a Porsche than a microscope like yours is Perceptor.
Zeedust writes: "I TOLD you not to try to teach Metroplex how to do yo-yo tricks! How are we gonna explain this to Prime?"
Unknown writes: Perceptor discovered that piece would be at hand if the biggest consumer of Energon would be deactivated permantly, not only that but he realized that the energon supplies would be restored in large quantities as well, if they would drain the body of ener
Unknown writes: Hallelujazz!!
Unknown writes: After all those millions and billions years of Cybertronian Wars that raged between the Heroic Autobots and the Evil Decepticons, Perceptor finally came to conclusion that after shutting Cosmos down there would be enough energon for the whole planet.
Unknown writes: Perceptor: My visual sensors must be having a malfunction, am I seeing right?? Jazz, whatever happened to your rocketlauncher on your shoulder??? - Beats me dude, I just work here!
Unknown writes: From now on, I would like to be refered as JASS!!!
Unknown writes: No, it doesn't bother me at all having this lucious babe with her tight ass caught in a miniskirt sitting on my shoulder.....
Unknown writes: Jazz: "Oohhh, how it pains me to do this!!" Cosmos: "NO WAIT! I still function." Perceptor: "Wanna bett??"
Cosmos: "Jazzscreammm!!!"
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Jazz is the man take note who gets all the babes.
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Unknown writes: Jazz: Man, this woman is heavy!!
Unknown writes: jazz: shal we drop him down the well or over the cliff??
jedixtat writes: After to may drinks Cosmos started to touch the exotic dancers,and got knocked on his ass by the bouncer. But Jazz gets all the ladies!!!
overdrive writes: "what has this guy been eatin he weighs a f*****g tonne"
Unknown writes: Jazz: Man, I've never seen Superion use cosmos as a bowling ball before. Good thing he only hit those dumb mini-cons. Perceptor: Grimlock told me he only had to step on three before they stayed still long enough for Superion to have a go at it.
Unknown writes: Yo ass, ehhmm, I mean Jazz, what's wrong with him, dude?
I don't know mate, I think he swallowed a battery again.
Why does that stupid pipe thing on your shoulder keep pointing at my girlfriend dude?
Unknown writes: She followed me home. Can I keep her?
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Jazz,"Perceptor I got an idea lets cut up Cosmos,and turn him into a rulette wheel we could clean up on this planet." Perceptor,"BY THE MATRIX JAZZ whats wrong with you we could never...." Jazz,"Oh come on you
jackthemonkey writes: Hey Perceptor where do you want the keg? We gotta gat this girl liquered up!
pcwmase writes: Jazz - "I hate it when Rodimus tells me to take out the trash."

Perceptor - "That's not the trash can, that's Cosmos."

Jazz - "Really? I could never really tell the two apart."
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Unknown writes: Why didn't we think of this earlier? Shoot all the lame robots into space? Wheelie, come here!
Exulted Unicron writes: Jazz and Perceptor take part in their own Jackass stunt called: "Let's throw this fat-ass into a time portal"
Unknown writes: Cosmos learned the hard way that most meteorites don't step aside
Switchback writes: The Dwarf-bowling craze finally hits Cybertron.
Unknown writes: Perceptor: Hey Jazz, Why dont you show that Lady over there why they said your the Autobot "Jazz?"
Jazz: ....My god you are one nasty stupid gay homo sexual son of a b---
Perceptor: Hey!
Jazz: Hey sometimes its good to swear, like tha
Nightshadow writes: Perceptor: Hey...Did anyone ever notice that Your name, jazz, sounds like ji----
Jazz: Agasdgfdsa!!! (Perceptor, there are KIDS watching this..)
Perceptor: So? This is in Japanese, right?
Unknown writes: Jazz: Hey Perceptor did you hear the one about that crazy man...Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah (2 Decades later) Blah Blah blah...
Perceptor: OK SHUTUP!!!....Hey who the hell is that chick?
Skyfire the Artist writes: The Autobots adapted midget tossing and dwarf tossing into their own sport, minibot tossing.
Unknown writes: Jazz: HA! I can carry Cosmos AND have this weird looking chick sit on my shoulder, BEAT THAT!
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Jazz,"Lets toe tag him emotionally curpt morally bankrupt." M*A*S*H tv ref. Hawkeye & B.J. once toe tagged a drunk Frank Burns with the same thing
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Unknown writes: Jazz:"Dude, is it me or is Cosmos one gay looking autobot? Perceptor:" Jazz, I am a highly intelligent, capable scientist as well as a respected officer in the autobot army. I do not say such crude and tasteless things just so you can gu
Unknown writes: With Cosmos dead, the Autobots make a bomb out of him disguised as a beer-energon keg for the dumb Decepticons.
Meister writes: JAZZ: God dammit, Cosmos overenergized again!
Meister writes: JAZZ: God dammit, Cosmos overenergized again!
thexfile writes: Jazz : hey lady do you know for certain that this wil plug in to your sterio systhem...??

Perceptor : Jazz trough my calculations an perception she sould be right , i just hope it fits and that we don't need an adapter...

lady : no it schou
Unknown writes: if we get acree to kisk him - he'll wake up.
splinter writes: Jazz says: Oh, thanks Percy... for inviting me over. I thought we were going to be alone. I'm sure willingly to test the girl, but Cosmos... as a toy?
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Perceptor,"Look Jazz we found a second can of robotic insecticide xxx just like the one from six caption contests ago."
Shermtron writes: Seeing that cosmos is useless the autobots deliver him to Megatron!!!!
Stormwolf writes: Jazz: Hurry up, we can finally throw cosmos out of the airlock while the others aren't looking!
Perceptor: But won't he just fly back in his UFO form?
Jazz: You're right! Let's throw him into the trashcompactor instea
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Unknown writes: All right, we've found out battering ram, now where's the door?
prime_hybrid writes: Jazz: "Uuuhhh! You've been eating too many space man sticks Cosmos! You weigh a ton!
Perceptor: "I concur! He almost has his own gravatational pull!"
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Perceptor,"What happened to him?" Jazz,"He told Grimlock to bite him." Perceptor,"Oh that can't have been good whot happened then Grimlock hit him?" Jazz,"No he really bit him that&am
Unknown writes: Jazz gets a new bowling ball
Unknown writes: "Come on, Perceptor! We have to get this big toilet into Prime's new house on the double!"
Unknown writes: C'mon, Perceptor--we gotta get out our little buddy Cosmos to safety!
PlasmaRadio writes: Perceptor: "Thats a f***ed up parrot right there."
Jazz: "Dyar, me thinks so too..."
BoomBox writes: Jazz: All he did was ask you a question!
Sheba: he asked me "who would be boarding who?!"
Unknown writes: Sheeba: Perceptor, I know you're busy but.... Point that thing somewhere else or so help me g*d Jazz'll be carrying both of you!
Jazz: I'd rather just carry on with you.....
Unknown writes: "well he ain't weightless in THIS space!"
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Unknown writes: Why are we using cosmos as a battering ram, perceptor?

Because Prime forgot the keys to the ark inside and he doesnt have a spare set. Ready? one,, two, .........
thexfile writes: Jazz : yo Perceptor my man what is this we are carieing again ??

Perceptor : It's a baylade , it's the latest craze....

Jazz: wazzz that Perceptor??

Perceptor : it's a kids toy jazz...(sigh)

Jazz : yeah wright man...
Scattershot writes: Jazz: I told him he shouldnn't drink and fly.
Omega Supreme writes: Jazz: Damn how much weight has Cosmos put on he weighs a ton or more.
Perceptor: Actually Jazz he's probably lighter here then back on Earth since the gravitational force here is weaker then Earth.
Jazz: Whatever let's just get rid of
Unknown writes: Ok, On the count of three we throw this punk into the THE F**K!!!!!!!!
Unknown writes: Sheeba: "Perceptor, what happened to your lens barrel? It used to be so big, but now it's nearly...microscopic." Jazz: "One more of those and you're walking home!"
Unknown writes: Crocodile Hunter (V.O.): "Crikey! This's the biggest mini-con I've ever seen! Notice how they transport the mini-con by hand. Here at Autobot Zoo we don't dart the mini-con's, as they might react badly to the t
Hexacon writes: "Yo Perceptor....I think Cosmos had one too many energon brews.....matter of fact, I think I did too. I'm seeing swirls on the walls, and a girly on my shoulder!!"
"I too see the humanoid female Jazz, Ive had my scope
Unknown writes: Jazz- Wow lady! I've seen that trick done with ping pong balls before, but never a football!
Perceptor- Heh, wait till you see what she's got planned for Cosmos.
Unknown writes: Always the pranksters, Jazz and Perceptor quietly install a nipple on Unicron while he sleeps....
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NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Perceptor,"I told him two on a qwaylude was bad luck." ( Bachelor Party ref. 2"
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Jazz in a high pitched whiny voice,"But I killed a muuuuuule."( Bachelor Party ref. )
Unknown writes: Quick! Roll him up in the carpet before the dean catches us!
Shermtron writes: Jazz: Hey Perceptor i forget is the a keg or cosmos?
Unknown writes: Jazz: Well I told him hanging out at the Quickstop was a bad idea. Cosmos: Snootch to the motherf*****g nootch!
Unknown writes: Warrior Sheeba: Is Cosmo ok, Jazz: Dont worry, he'll be just fine
Unknown writes: Apparently Cosmos didn't like the fact that he got rejected as an extra for the next Austin Powers film.
slick writes: cosmos, always getting wasted
JAZZ writes: would mind if i put you down you aren't exately a light weight
Unknown writes: Jazz: Ya know, when we carry him(drunk and passed out Cosmos) like this, he looks kinda like a big- Perceptor: Don't go there, Jazz.
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Unknown writes: Jazz: Woah, groozy toothpaste tube, alien stripper lady. Perceptor: ...from my conclusions it seems that this alien toothpaste must be opened by surgical means... Cosmos: For the last time, it's me, Cosmos! Jazz: Did you hear something? Perceptor
Unknown writes: Cosmos:"I'm da tooth paste maaaan!!! Yiiiiihaaaah!!!!" Jazz:"Yeah, yeah, we know that, Cosmos." Perceptor:"You'll make a fine tooth paste tube Debestator. You'll make him very happy &
Unknown writes: Alien Lady: "Let me get this straight, that little robot is going to turn into a UFO that will hold all three of us? I suppose you also have a 40-foot blue robot that turns into a 6-inch cassette player.
Unknown writes: Perceptor knew he had smoked too much when the background turned psychadelic and a fairy appeared on Jazz's shoulder.
Unknown writes: Perceptor to Alien Stripper Lady: "No you cannot put Cosmos on 'vibrate and ride him.' "
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Sluty Alien Girl,"Your friend his head it reminds me of our male dogs when the mood strikes him right." Jazz,"You are one weird lady,lady." Perceptor,"Jazz lets hurry up and fix Cosmos this planets people give
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Perceptor,Jazz,and Cosmos attempted to study last years Polkafest.Being from another planet their misunderstanding of "Roll Out The Barrels" causes several deaths when they roll out Cosmos.Needless to say the Autobots were banned from Po
Unknown writes: Perceptor: I knew it. Cosmos, no more beer for you.
Unknown writes: Perceptor: Oh dear. I believe that the party we threw for Cosmos's 21st birthday has gone quite badly. Jazz: No more booze and strippers for him.
TheRoMan writes: "Damn Jazz, I thought you were kidding when you said if they even think about writing you into Armada, you'll shove Cosmos right up the writer's ass!"
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Unknown writes: Perceptor- Your fetish for Giant green nipples is starting to disturb me Jazz. And the fairy fetish isn't that pleasant either.
npk writes: A-HA! I *knew* you weren't a shoulder angel...and, no, this thing is NOT a Sybian.
Unknown writes: Cosmos:"Arearae De..cccep....tiiicoooons i.i.i.iin thi,..thi...thisss.sss ..HICK!!! Decep--p-ppp-HICK!!" Jazz:"We shouldn't have let him compete against Megatron, the Drunken Master, Perceptor." Per
Unknown writes: Okay, let's hope this stripper will cheer him up. After all NASA will bring back the shuttle program, right?
Unknown writes: Damn it Jazz! I told you that sixteen is too young for a ker & stripper!
Unknown writes: Jazz: Dang it, how was I supposed to know Cosmos had never seen those before?
Ratbat writes: Jazz: I think Hasbro is pushing the gimick thing too far, I mean what use is my Vegas Showgirl Minicon. Perceptor: consider yourself lucky, Cosmos here has to be the hat minicon for Super-Over-Drive-Max-Thunder-Legs-Prime
Unknown writes: Jazz: Man, I hate the fact that we have to carry Cosmos to bed!
Perceptor: What does this button do? *Perceptor presses it and Cosmos lands on Jazz's feet!*
Spartanion writes: Jazz"I didn't know my new girlfriend would have this effect on Cosmos" Percaptor" Yeah does she have a sister?" Jazz"Well yes she was supposed to go out with Cosmos but if he doesn't come out
Unknown writes: Jazz: Whoa, dude...I can't believe Cosmos smoked that whole stash! He is SO wasted!

Perceptor: Hey man, you think HE'S high? Guess what I'm seeing on your shoulder?
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Scantron writes: Woman: Left, left! No, too far. Move him a bit more to the right. No, my right. You two are the most incompetent interior decorators ever.
Jazz: We'd have gotten some action by now if we'd pretended to be poolboys, like I said...but
Pokejedservo writes: Perceptor: Oh Jazz you know that there is a freanky looking pink midget woman wearing cheesy b-movie attire on your left shoulder do you? Jazz: AGAIN?! Thats the third time this week!
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Jazz,"Alright,this battery will fit Skylynx now we can go home." Perceptor,"Actually we need three more."
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Jazz,"How can he be this heavy he's a minicar?" Perceptor,"Well Jazz his density increases exponentally in his saucer mode all that mass compacts into this mode for mobility." Jazz,"I don't ca
Unknown writes: Perceptor: Hey Jazzsh, that's a cool new tattoo you have there. Almosshht life like, wil it dancsh when you flexsh your arm? Jazz: ..... ummm yeah, and how much have you had to drink?
Unknown writes: Jazz: Help me out here, I told you you I'd bring the the beer and the stripper for your birthday!!!
Unknown writes: Perceptor-Um Jazz whats 0-0=?
Ricochet writes: Jazz: Perceptor, I don't know whats worse, this heavy generator or the bitch on my arm plate
Unknown writes: *Jazz*: ----, man! What's he keepin' in himself? Strong Energon? I can 'smell' his breath, and so can my human woman... *Perceptor*: No ----, sherlock.
Unknown writes: Coming This Fall From Rhino Home Video...AUTOBOTS GONE WILD!!!
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davewelttf writes: Jazz: Yep Cosmos is drunk alright he even mentioned seeing a sexy looking woman on my shoulder.
Perceptor: Damn!
Jazz: What?
Perceptor: er... Oh, never mind let's get him out of here.
Primal Lynx writes: "We got the chick, we got the keg, is that everything?"
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Transformers Podcast: Twincast / Podcast #351 - Ask Your Dad
Twincast / Podcast #351:
"Ask Your Dad"
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Posted: Saturday, June 1st, 2024

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